3 Powerful Lessons from Podcast Movement Evolutions
I believe that you never stop learning.
As as a Podcast Manager and business owner, I’m always open to learning and continue developing my skills to better serve you to amplify your voz through podcasting.
So, I was very excited to attend Podcast Movement Evolutions in Los Angeles to continue with my goal to learn and apply the lessons to your podcasts and Ellas.
It was three days of conferences, meeting and networking with knowledgeable women podcasters, and meeting Melba Tellez, mi amiga, founder & host of Mujeres on the Rise and client of mine!
During the conference I did a IG Live series, which you can check out here and here, where I gave you my biggest takeaways of the day.
For this blog, I want to focus on three main lessons that are vital to any podcaster’s journey.
To help you have a more sustainable journey, I recommend choosing one of the three and applying it to your podcast.
Read below the three biggest lessons to make your podcasting journey a sustainable success!
stories are powerful
Evelien, creator, executive producer and host of Reppin.
Within podcasting you can change someone’s life with the story you are sharing.
The keynote that Evelien gave for the first day of Podcast Movement was phenomenal.
Not only did I learn to become a better storyteller, but her tips also helped me to guide you in amplifying a memorable story to your listeners.
Here are six important elements Evelien shared that you can apply when telling a story in your next episode:
What’s the story? Find the universal themes
Don’t be a hero - it’s not about you
Homework - learn about your guests and subjects
be deliberate but be flexible
k.i.s.s. theory - keep it simple stupid. don’t have a deluge of unnecessary details
golden rule - be curious, challenge when appropriate and be receptive & respectful
If you want to become a better storyteller and interviewer, I go more in-depth about being a better podcast host in the episode below.
how to use social media to grow your podcast
Arielle Nissenblatt, Community Manager at SquadCast and Founder of EarBuds Podcast Collective
Arielle Nissenblatt’s keynote for the second day of Podcast Movement was my FAVORITE!
I was going through a dilemma myself on how many times and how much time to invest on social media marketing. I’m happy to say that after seeing and talking with Arielle, I have a whole different perspective on how to move forward in my podcast journey as a host and Podcast Manager.
As for the lessons she gave me to help you, here is the biggest takeaway we must remember:
Your followers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok will most likely not leave the app to listen to your episode. They will continue scrolling and looking through posts and videos because they want to be in their favorite app.
Social media is to remind your listeners that you have a podcast, a way to connect with them, to potential buy ads, source guests and ideas for your episodes and to establish social proof.
We forget that social media is to grow your followers - not your listeners or downloads and just because you have a lot of followers doesn’t mean they’ll turn into listeners.
Arielle recommends to meet your followers where they are, grab their attention by providing them helpful and quality content that will establish yourself as the expert of the topic you are already sharing on your podcast.
And if they have the time and they really like you, then they will find you wherever they love listening to podcasts.
If you actually want to grow your listeners, then spend your time and focus on being a guest star on other podcasts that align with your target audience and theme.
By having these two clearly defined and separated, you’ll have a much better perspective when creating your social media marketing strategy.
create a sustainable podcast
A powerful reminder from Jay Ray, Co-Host and Producer of the Queue Points
I was thrilled to finish day three of Podcast Movement with Jay Ray’s powerful keynote, ‘Building the World You Want: Creating a Sustainable Podcast Cost-Effectively’.
You know I’m all about creating a sustainable podcast journey and I was so happy to see that more podcasters are sharing this important fact.
Podcasting is not a race and in order to continue providing value to your listeners, you need to start and have a sustainable journey that will ensure that your show will continue - long after you are no longer the voice of it.
So, before we dive deep on the four steps, I want to remind you on the WHY you need to create a sustainable podcast:
You get to expand on your vision
You get to build deeper connections with your audience
You get to save yourself some money…long term
You get to gain new skills that you can use for other things
You’re not taking for granted the tools currently available for you in the future
Now that you have strong reasons why you should start establishing a sustainable podcast journey, let’s go with the four steps to create a sustainable podcast.
Have a mailing list
Focus On “Home”
Have a Backup Content Delivery System
Build a Team Around Your Show
If you have answered the five questions to ask yourself before starting a podcast, then this is the next step right here!
And I loved that Jay reminded us all to have a team because as you know in order to create a quality podcast, it requires many elements and moving parts. While many do it alone or with a fellow co-host, it’s always helpful to have a Podcast Manager like myself to help you create quality episodes for your listeners and establish yourself as the expert that you are while not burning yourself out in the process.
I would love to know which of the three lessons you’ll be adapting in your podcast journey by sharing in the comments below.