Investing in Your Voz

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The most important superpower that we have in life is our voz.

Throughout my journey, I’ve experienced many situations where I chose to speak up and not allow myself to stay calladita. 

Growing up with an empowering mamá who always told me to ignore the “Calladita te ves más bonita” machista saying, I knew that using my voz for good was necessary. 

Of course, there were times when I was faced with people that would use their positions of power to silence me and for a moment I chose to remain voiceless which ultimately led me to become unhappy in my life. 

However, listening and amplifying the empowering voices of Latinas through Ellas Podcast motivated me to step into my powerful voz and not allow someone else to take that away from me.

Listening to them share about how they’ve navigated their journey with perseverance, passion, and focus inspired me to continue paving my path. 

When I started the podcast, I was investing in my voz, my skills, and my community. I knew that by using my voz and amplifying the voices of Latinas on Ellas, it would create an impact in our communities to help them move forward in their life. 

Little did I know that the same goal would help me gain back my confidence and to actively pursue my dreams of starting Ellas Media to continue the mission of amplifying empowering Latina voices to motivate our communities and continue creating an impact. 

Amplifying the voces of my inspiring guests helped me to not give up on my voz, to actively refine my skills, and fuel my passion for uplifting my community. 

It encouraged me to launch my podcast services. Before Ellas Media, I was already a professional podcast manager with 5+ of combined experience in podcast management, content strategy, production, editing, writing, hosting, communications, and hosting. 

This new chapter in the journey of Ellas Media is to share my skills and experience to help more Latinas embrace their empowering voz and discover the impact that it can create. 

Amplifying your voz is an investment to yourself and our community. 

You have so much to give by amplifying your voz and sharing your knowledge, interests, and passion. 

It makes you realize that your voz is also powerful and necessary to be heard in your career, to take care of your mental health, sustain your relationships, and take control of your health. 

Embracing your voz leads you to present yourself to the world unapologetically.

Navigating your journey can be challenging and we all face obstacles, but now is the perfect time to invest in your voz to achieve your definition of success while you create an impact. 

So go out there and start amplifying your voz!

check out our live with melba Téllez, founder of mujeres on the rise on investing in yourself