How to Overcome Negativity while Navigating Your Journey

When you make a decision to make a big swing and a big risk, you will be tested like never before and the way to grow through those growing pains depends on how you handle being tested.

These tests will involve facing the negativity from family, friends or partner who will not be on the same page when you begin a new path that will make you happy and fulfilled.

If you’re about to embark and take a huge risk and you’re terrified, just know that if you are equal parts excited and terrified you are in the right spot for growth. Here are ways to overcome negativity while navigating your journey.

find a new support system

When you start your journey that is not approved or supported by your family, friends or partner, then you have to find a new support system.

I understand that it’s heartbreaking to realize that your loved ones will not stand next to you for this new and exciting chapter of your life.

I had to come to terms that I could no longer share the wins and lows with certain family members when I decided to embark on my entrepreneurship path. This boundary is essential in overcoming negativity because no matter what you share or don’t you will come across negative comments from these people.

By placing this boundary, you are establishing the foundation to keep yourself emotionally safe further down the line of your journey. These boundaries will be uncomfortable for these people in your life, but do not let them fall, respect them because in the end it will help your journey and mental state.

You will have to find people who understand your vision, who see your gifts, and know the important impact that your work is doing to your comunidad.

Trust me, I’m going through the same circumstances and the only way for me to continue paving my path is to find a new support system and lean into them.

lean into your new support system

This new support system that you have chosen will now be the people that you will share your wins, your concerns, your low days and questions.

Their advice and support will come from a place of love and if your support system has people who are in the same journey as you, you will receive insight, tools and resources to make your path easier.

Don’t be embarrassed to lean into them and open up.

I understand that after coming from a negative circle that doesn’t understand your journey can be scary to trust once again. However as you navigate your journey, you know you can’t do this alone and having your community support you while you pave your path is essential.

You cannot give from an empty cup and one way to fill up and give your best is to have a support system that can cheer you on when you are making your dreams happen.

don’t be resentful

The last point is important. I want to remind you to not hold resentment in your heart. The negativity that has been thrown at you by your loved ones is painful.

Just know that this negativity is most likely coming from a place of confusion, fear and insecurity.

It will be it’s own journey of them understanding your chosen path, of seeing that you have this under control or that it’s not about you, but more about them going after what makes them happy.

In the meantime, I want to remind you that I’m here for you and I hope the conversations I have on the podcast can remind you that you are not alone in this journey! If you want more tips, I highly recommend you check out the Instagram live I did with Sandra Lucía Díaz about overcoming negativity while navigating your journey.