How to Overcome Common Podcast Challenges Before Starting Your Podcast

Everyone wants to start a podcast until they face challenges that might stop them to start.

As you know, starting something new can be scary but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming nor can you allow your fear to stop you from amplifying your voz.

I’m sharing the 5 most common podcast challenges every person faces when they want to start a podcast and how to overcome them.

Remember, you don’t have to go through your podcasting journey all alone.

deciding when to start

The most common struggle many people face when they want to start a podcast is not actually starting.

They may have so many topics that they want to talk about, but when the times come to sit down and do the important work, this first step stops them immediately.

“I’m too busy to put in the time to work on knowing who my target audience is….”

“I’m not ready to fully invest my energy into starting a podcast because I’m managing my business…”

“I’ll start until I’m able to do in-person interviews…”

The list is extensive on the reasons people tell themselves in order to not start a podcast and I’m here to tell you that these are not good enough. We know that podcasting can grow your business and you can always virtually record your interviews.

I want to challenge you by deciding to start today and working on your podcast’s concept. If you need a step-by-step guide to help you on this path, I highly recommend you check out our Podcast Launch Worksheets so you can get tat podcast you’ve been brainstorming off the ground and into the world!


Not recording because you don't have an expensive microphone

The quality of your podcast does not equate to having an expensive microphone.

People can have the expensive microphone, but if they don’t know how to use it and not having a great microphone technique, it can make listeners stop from connecting with them.

The equipment you really need to have to start is an affordable USB microphone, headphones (which can be your old Apple wire earphones), a laptop, great microphone technique and recording your episodes in a quiet room of your home.

You don’t need to be in a fancy recording studio and if you specific answers on what type of equipment you can always schedule a 30 minute consultation call with me where I can answer all of your precise podcast questions!

disliking your voz

You are not alone in if you don’t like the tone of your voz and your vocal habits.

I always say like and you know in every recording, so I always work on saying it less with every new episode or I simply edit them out!

It’s really common to cringe a bit when we listen to our recorded voz. You can improve on how you speak by doing vocal exercises. I recommend stretching your mouth before recording with lip trills, developing a better communication style by having bullet points and drinking water while you record. Be patient with yourself and remember you can always edit it out.

However, if the tone is a big wall that is stopping you from sharing what you have to say to your comunidad, trust me that this should not prevent you on starting your podcast.

Your voz will connect with your comunidad and the beautiful aspect of podcasting is that it’s so intimate because you are speaking directly to your listeners and trust me, they’ll connect with your voz and how you speak even if you have an accent or not.

editing your podcast episodes

Most start on establishing their podcast’s concept and format, they even record, but when it comes to editing the episodes they recorded that’s when they hit a wall.

Editing can be overwhelming because as the host you are thinking of how you’re speaking, not knowing how to edit parts of the conversation that don’t make sense, mixing the tracks, editing in ads and fixing the volume.

It can be challenging and if you need a professional editor to focus on this task so you can invest your time on what you’re good at and love, then check out my podcast launch packages where I provide editing services so you can launch your podcast stress-free!

sharing your podcast to the world

The fear of judgment is real!

Don’t let your fear of what others think and just share your podcast to only your friends or family.

Launch your podcast to the world and be open to listener's feedback! You have no idea of how positive their reaction might be and the response you’ll receive!

If you are really serious about becoming the expert of your field, expanding your reach and connecting with your comunidad, then launch your podcast and learn from what listener’s have to say about your episodes.

As podcasters, you’re going to be happy on having a comunidad that is excited to be part of your podcast. Not many podcasters have listener feedback, so take advantage of it to improve your podcast!

And to help you start, get up to 2 months of free podcasting service with our Libsyn code ELLAS. Sign up and have your voz heard—everywhere! Get on Apple & Spotify, get critical stats & everything you need to sound your best and grow your show!!

You have the tools and resources to start and launch your podcast! Don’t stop yourself from amplifying your voz!

Let me know when you launch your show, so I can listen to it! I’m here to support you!